Advertise With Us

MagWeb is the world leader of information on magnetic materials, serving electrical, transportation, computer and telecommunication industries. Several engineers, scientists, designers, manufacturers and material developers use MagWeb for their magnetic materials selection. MagWeb has a huge data database of magnetic materials plus the tools needed by the technical community to identify and specify the exact material that they need. MagWeb’s  website can display your company’s message to key customers.

MagWeb’s Advertising Plans:

Material Supplier Listings: Listing in MagWeb is especially effective for suppliers and manufacturers who desire to reach users who are in the process of selecting magnetic materials.  These sophisticated users have access to the vast resources of magnetic material information within MagWeb.  These listings are far superior to buyer’s directory listing because you can reach people who are involved not only in the materials selection process but also in detailed design who have detailed information of each magnetic material at their finger tips.

Our ad plans can fit any budget – your total cost is a function of your ads’ exposure on MagWeb. To suit wide ranging budgets, MagWeb offers four levels of advertising:

Preferred Listing – will list your text ad (including company name, contact information, and a link to your Web site) above a B-H curve when the  user is about to download it.

Standard Listings – appear  after the user select a material category and proceeds with purchase.

Banner without Buttons:  Your banner ad can be displayed on the MagWeb’s homepage.  These ads are akin to a television commercial in that they are an effective tool for ‘brand-building’ – increasing name recognition. Unlike TV, advertisement on MagWeb can focus your message only to prospective customers.

Banner with Buttons : Your ad can be displayed with a button which transfers out of MagWeb into a link you specify.    We can even design an eye-catching animated ad to catch the attention of designers, engineers, specifiers and buyers. Ask us about quantity discounts.

Give us a call at (518) 382-1699 or email us at